Here's how it works:
Go to and choose the Kroger location nearest you that offers the service. Browse groceries online and add them to your cart and check out. Next, pick a one-hour time window that's most convenient for you for pick-up. (Pick-up hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. Orders placed by midnight can be picked up the next day as early as 8 a.m.) It's so easy. At your scheduled pick-up time, head to the store, follow the signs to the ClickList pick-up location, and press the call button if a representative is not already outside. Your order will be delivered to your car within minutes of arrival. How's that for service?
Did you forget an item? If so, you can add it to your list until midnight the day before pick-up. That said, when I arrived at the store, my representative told me that you could call them anytime, and they'd be happy to add the item to your order.
Don't forget to log in & load your coupons!
If you're a Kroger rewards customer, make sure to log in when you start your shopping so that you earn your rewards and get your loyal customer discounts. Don't forget to load digital coupons to your account too! Your coupons will be automatically applied to your order at pick-up, and paper coupons can also be redeemed.
How much does it cost to use ClickList?
Your first three orders are FREE, and then each use is only $4.95 after that. It's an awesome deal for the convenience. There are no upcharges for groceries at all.
Are you a picky shopper?
Concerned about quality? Don't be. I'm picky about meat and produce, but with ClickList you can add special instructions to your order (like if you want green bananas or mushy avocados). Order selectors will hand-select produce, meat and seafood items for each order with quality and freshness top of mind. These items will then be stored appropriately, including refrigeration or freezing, until it’s time to load them into your car.
Great bonus feature for regular shoppers
If you're like me, half your cart probably includes items you bought the previous week. With ClickList, items you've recently purchased in-store or online will show up in "start my list". You can quickly select those times and add them to your cart for purchase again.
1) You have children who are terrible grocery store companions. Why deal with them in the store when you can do your shopping at home, and have the groceries brought straight to the car?
2) The weather outside is frightful. There's smoke in the air. It's cold and you don't want to get out of the car. It's raining (well maybe we'll see some of that stuff again one day soon). With ClickList, you can stay in your car. It's that simple.
3) Your sick. Your kids are sick. You don't need to be shopping. Use ClickList. Get some rest and don't spread germs (makes sense, right?).
4) Even with a list, you manage to spend an absurd amount of time in the store. Really, I'm not sure what I'm doing in there, but I need that hour back for "me time"!
5) You are an impulse shopper and tend to run up your bill buying a lot of extra stuff that was NOT on your list. Do NOT get out of your car. Order online and be done with it!
Want to become a Kroger ClickList shopper? Find a store that offers the service HERE. None near you? Don't worry - keep checking back as more stores will have ClickList available soon!
*Disclaimer: I received compensation for this article, however, all opinions are entirely my own.