
Why Wait for Spring? Dive In and Get Moving Today!

*Special Offer From British Swim School North Atlanta

By Sponsored Advertising Content February 8, 2018

SPECIAL OFFER: For Macaroni Kid subscribers only, call British Swim School North Atlanta at 770-927-8900 to receive free registration ($40 value). Valid through 2/28/17. New students only.

General Lee, Georgia’s groundhog weather prognosticator, has predicted 6 more weeks of winter. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay active while it’s cold out. Our favorite activity is, naturally, swimming. Indoor rock climbing, bowling, and mini-golf are also great ways to keep your active little ones. Regardless of what activity you and your child choose, here are a few reasons not to wait until spring to get going:

Kids don’t get enough exercise at school.
I used to assume my kids were getting enough exercise from P.E. or recess at school. But with P.E. only offered a couple days a week and recess shortened to less than 20 minutes in many schools in our area, I realized that you can’t rely on schools to provide the exercise your child needs. The World Health Organization recommends 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous exercise for children. What are you waiting for?

It’s always fun to learn something new. Kids love to learn new things and show off to friends and family. Whether it’s learning a new stroke, reaching the top of the rock wall, or getting their first strike, the excitement and pride you see on your child’s face when they reach a new milestone is priceless.

Routines are important. The more you can stick to a daily or weekly routine, the better the results. Investing just a small amount of time each week to your chosen activity can lead to big dividends. One way to stick to a routine is to schedule weekly lessons or regular meet ups with other families. A little bit of peer pressure is sometimes a good thing. Plus, it helps to know others are supporting your continued progress.

Whatever activity you ultimately decide on, we at British Swim School are rooting for your child’s success. We believe it is important for all kids, regardless of age or ability, to stay active, learn new life skills, and to have fun while doing it! British Swim School North Atlanta offers swim lessons at our 2 locations: Marietta (East Cobb County) and Woodstock (Cherokee County). 

Where to Find Us:
Fitness: 1440 on Sandy Plains Rd. in Marietta
Gold’s Gym off of Hwy 92 in Woodstock. 
*Gym membership is not required to participate in our programs. 


*For Macaroni Kid subscribers only, call us at 770-927-8900 to receive free registration ($40 value). Valid through 2/28/17. New students only.