Not many 10-year-olds have their own workout video, but then again, not many 10-year-olds have a passion for fitness like CJ Senter. As one of America’s youngest fitness instructors, CJ is excited to introduce his new national fitness DVD titled “Workout Kid.” And he lives in Atlanta too! WANT TO WIN A COPY? Read below, instructions on how to enter are at the end of this article.
The video includes two 40-minute long workouts especially for kids, one for beginners and a second, more advanced workout for kids who have been exercising for awhile. Both videos feature safe, fun moves that get kids off the couch and moving around to upbeat music with kids their own age. Some of CJ’s signature moves include Power Jacks, The Shredder, The Fighter, The Invisible Jump Rope, Butt Kicks and Flyaways. Offering encouraging words and motivation, he stresses proper workout technique, taking frequent water breaks, stretching, and emphasizing correct warm-up and cool down time.
CJ has become known as the Workout Kid, because of his strong will to stay fit, routinely leading his Atlanta-area football team to victory, exhibiting extraordinary leadership skills, and strong determination for a child his age. CJ thought if he can motivate a team, he could motivate more American kids to reverse their thinking that “exercise” is a bad word.
Most kids find working out with peers is much more like play and therefore more fun. CJ keeps it this way by sprinkling in a few other moves like The Umpire (lunges work the legs while making the “safe” sign works the arms) and The Chase (makes a game of running by pretending you’re being chased). CJ and his friends lead by example while exuding an authentic, happy and healthy self image.
Throughout the video, factoids about exercise and overall health flash on the screen while CJ and his friends are working out. Some include:
• 60% of the US population does not exercise correctly
• An estimated 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes and other health risks
• 25% of US children spend 4 or more hours a day watching TV
• Exercise increases energy and fights fatigue
• Muscle weighs 3 times more than fat
• The human body is made up of 66% water
• Flexibility helps prevent injury and poor flexibility contributes to poor posture
Despite the obvious fact that he’s attained his ripped, impressive physique with lots of exercise, kids everywhere will recognize CJ as just another 10-year-old with a big brother, a little sister, and dogs he likes to wrestle with. CJ plays football, runs track and lives with his family in the Atlanta area.
The “Workout Kid” DVD is $19.99 and can be ordered via:
For more information about CJ The Workout Kid, please visit: Check out the sizzle reel too for a video preview! Super cute.
SVM Macaroni Kid has 2 copies to giveaway to 2 winners.
Want to win? Here's how:
- Email me at with subject "Workout Kid" by Wednesday, June 15 at 10am. Please include your name and phone number.
- Like my facebook post about this video by CLICKING HERE.
RULES: Must be a subscriber to Smyrna Vinings Marietta Macaroni Kid to enter. Must be 18 or older. Winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday, June 16, 2011. Once chosen, winners will have 3 days to respond, or I will choose another winner. By entering this contest, you are automatically agreeing to be subscribed to receive SVM Macaroni Kid via email each week, if you are not already a subscriber.